Contralateral Antagonistic Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Let me just start by don't come to me for "normal." With the technique I've got for you, you can be literally 5-10% stronger in a dumbbell shoulder press...INSTANTLY. And it's definitely NOT normal. This will help you get bigger and stronger shoulders FAST.




This technique takes advantage of a quirk of nervous system activation called "contralateral antagonistic neuromuscular activation."

The science behind it is this...approximately 10% of the nerves that cross over at the medulla oblongata (the brainstem) reciprocally innervate both agonist muscles and contralateral antagonist muscles.

In practical terms this means, for example, when you do a curl with your left bicep, doing a pushdown with your right tricep at the same time will give you about 10% greater muscle activation...and you'll be about 5-10% STRONGER because of it.

That exercise is known as a "Scapjack" after its creator, Mark Scappaticci.

And it works.


THIS variation of the Scapjack is done using a Dumbbell Shoulder Press (vertical push), paired with a standing isometric vertical pull (like a standing one-arm chin-up that doesn't go anywhere).

You're going to be pulling down hard at the same time as you're doing a one-arm Dumbbell Shoulder Press.

This not only gives you the quick increase in strength from the nervous system activation, by holding on and pulling down with the other hand, it also stabilizes the "platform" that you're pressing from, helping increase strength further. In addition, you're going to get some unique push/pull core work in the frontal plane (the same plane of movement that side bends occur in).

And while it does look different, it doesn't look TOO terribly strange, so it should be one you could try without getting kicked out of your gym or feeling like an idiot, especially when you immediately are able to start using heavier weights than you normally would.



How To Do Contralateral Antagonistic Shoulder Presses


First, set a bar in the power rack to about nose height. You can also use a Smith machine bar, or pretty much anything at that height that's solid and grippable.

Barbell Setup

Grab a dumbbell (I'm using a 65 lb dumbbell here) and hold it at your shoulder in position for a shoulder press. Grip on the bar with an underhand grip with the other hand.

Dumbbell Shoulder Press Start

Now simulataneously pull down hard with your one hand while you press up with the other arm.

Dumbbell Shoulder Press Middle

Continue pulling down until you complete the press to the top.

Dumbbell Shoulder Press top

Lower and repeat.

When you've done your reps on one arm, switch sides and go again. You rep range will depend on what goal you're targeting (strength, hypertrophy, endurance, etc.). The concept works whether you're doing low, medium or high reps.

Dumbbell Shoulder Press Start

Dumbbell Shoulder Press Middle

Dumbbell Shoulder Press Top

That's it!

Give this one a shot next time you're working shoulders. Start by doing a one-arm dumbbell shoulder press for a few reps with a weight you know you could handle for 5 or 6 reps. Then go to the bar and try THIS technique on the next set and see what a difference you feel.

I like to pair this one with an explosive exercise like the Kettlebell Swing High Pull then the Barbell Lateral Raise for focused side delt work.


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